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Are you a Champagne Snob?

Do you know your Prosecco from your Cava or your Crement from your Champagne and more importantly do you feel you should?

Its fair to say David and I are partial to a glass or two of fizz but we must confess, we are not wine, fizz or Champagne experts by any stretch of the imagination and being completely honest, I am not sure in a blind tasting, we could really tell a Krug from a Bollinger and you know what, it doesn't worry us at all!

Fizz is rarely an activity enjoyed in solitude

What we do love about Fizz is the whole experience, from the popping of the cork, clinking of the glasses, the bubbles and what it all actually represents when you are drinking it, as invariably you are drinking it as a shared occasion with someone else.

It's been an interesting week as we have been off to a Food and Drink Show to meet lots of new suppliers and the event was fabulous. In fact probably one of the best business shows we've been to. Nothing to do with the food and copious amounts of alcohol on offer of course!!

While at the show, we introduced ourselves and The Fizz Boat concept to lots of new people and absolutely loved talking about our whole new adventure, the boat, the food and of course the fizz.

We're keen to steer clear of Champagne snobbery!

One of the key things we were keen to impress on the people we spoke to is the complete unwavering passion we have to provide positive, memory making experiences for our guests coming on board and equally as keen to steer clear of the whole Champagne snobbery that exists and can be so daunting and off putting to many.

Flying the flag of making memories and having a great time

Actually It's fair to say, that the whole industry around alcohol but in particular Fizz can feel really daunting when you are tasting products and feeling your way around what you would like to include in your offering but we met some great suppliers who really understood our sentiment and mission and are equally keen to ditch the snobbery and fly the flag of making memories and having a great time.

In fact, what it really all boils down to for us is a really simple test...

Do We Like It?

If the answer's yes, we'll drink it

If the answer's no, we'll leave it.

Simple and no more complicated than that... Just how life should be!

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